
When this assignment was assigned, and the guidelines were set I hadn’t thought that I was going to be able to come out of my shell and go into an unknown located and conducted the research that I had done. I wouldn’t have thought that a freshman in college was capable of creating such a target for herself and be able to accomplish it within weeks backed up with enough evidence. There were two major parts of this project the interview and the observation both had which I had not have expected to go the way they did.  My target was was it possible for Algerians living here in New York City to climb up the economic system.

Before conducting this interview, I thought I’d Learn so much about the business administration field as well as connecting with those who left their homeland in search for a better life. Not only am I searching for answers, but I truly cared about this field study because I am a child of two hard-working immigrants and an Algerian myself. I’ve closely conducted my questions to avoid any sensitive subjects towards the occupant but to my surprise, things took a different turn.

My initial thought before visiting the hotel was that I know the owner is Algerian, but I hadn’t thought that there would be anything cultural in it. I respect that factor about this experience the most. Being able to start a business in a country that is unfamiliar to you but still holding on to your roots at the same time should be greatly noticed much more than it is now. Immigrants who come from another country to America to share their love and cultural ideas is a great achievement. It’s what the foundation of living in America is built on. Being able to share your culture through your work environment tells a lot about your character as a person and the country you come from. I’m truly proud that I can now move forward and represent this group to upcoming immigrants who are looking to successfully become entrepreneurs, being that at the start of my research it was nearly impossible to find any information on Algerian entrepreneurs living here.